Thursday, December 20, 2007

Levels of Consciousness

As this illusory, localized point of view understands it, within space and time.

1) Deep Dreamless Sleep
Some consciousness exists. We can be roused by sound, touch or some other external stimuli.

2) Dreams
The subtle body expresses itself. There are thoughts, images, even insights, but the self is not grounded in physical reality or the rationality of logic.

3) Waking
The world of the 5 senses. A physical connection exists between inner and outer worlds, and though reality is interpreted in terms of self/not-self, an understanding of common experience exists. Most people seem to cycle between sleep and wake, but seldom look at the other levels.

4) The Glimpse of the Soul
The window into the infinite. It is realized that the seeker IS that which is sought. It is realized that there is an observer in the midst of the observation. There is that which is observed (body/events/objects), the process of observing (Mind), and the Observer (soul), the unchanging part that is neither body or mind.

5) The Awakened Soul
The observer is awake at all times. It is the being in the world but not of the world. There is local perception with awareness of the non-local nature of being. Waking, sleeping, eating, dreaming...the observer is still aware.

6) Divine Consciousness
Cognition and perception at the level of the senses that things are not what they seem. The embodiment of spirit is recognized in all aspects of creation. There is realization that all experience; beauty, love, anger, aversion is a co-creation of the observer and that which is observed.

7) Unity of Spirit
Merging with the spirit of all other objects and phenomena. I'm not in the body, the body is in me. I'm not in the universe, the universe is in me ... I Am that I Am.

All that arises is the Universe momentarily pretending that it has a localized point of view, for the simple joy of creation and existence.


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