Wednesday, January 30, 2008

War, PTSD, and Brain Injury

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Sgt. Ryan Kahlor has the same nightmare every time, a vision of walls painted in blood and fat, and men on top of houses, throwing pieces of Marines' bodies off rooftops. It's a vision he can't shake, because he lived through it while deployed to Iraq last year.


Sgt. Ryan Kahlor survived four bomb blasts during his duty in Iraq and suffered concussions.

"I have nightmares. I dwell on it. I think about it all the time," said Kahlor, 24. "Staying asleep is hard. I associate a bed with the dreams I have. My parents think I'm crazy, but I sleep better when I'm on the floor."

Kahlor has post-traumatic stress disorder, which can develop after surviving a traumatic event in which a person is physically threatened or injured.

He also experienced concussions while surviving four explosions during his 14 months in Iraq. He said these events left him with a detached retina, vertigo, memory problems and dizziness.

A new military study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine says soldiers who suffered concussions in Iraq were not only at higher risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, but also that the depression and PTSD, not the head injuries, may be the cause of ongoing physical symptoms.

Five percent of the 2,500 soldiers surveyed by Walter Reed Army Institute of Research said they had concussions in which they lost consciousness during combat. Forty-four percent of these soldiers ended up with PTSD.

Researchers were surprised to find symptoms normally associated with concussions -- headaches, dizziness, irritability and memory problems -- were actually related to PTSD or depression.

"It isn't the combat exposure or physical injury, it's the PTSD that seems to drive these symptoms. That's a surprise," said Joseph A. Boscarino, Ph.D., who studies PTSD at the Geisinger Center for Health Research in Danville, Pennsylvania. "You would expect they would have these other symptoms related to traumatic brain injury, that maybe they have a permanent injury, but it's explained by whether they have PTSD or depression."

Health Library

About 8 million American adults have PTSD. A 2003 New England Journal of Medicine Study found that 15 percent to 17 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans were suffering from PTSD, and more than 60 percent of those showing symptoms were unlikely to seek help because of fears of stigmatization or loss of career advancement opportunities.

As of June 30, 2007, the Department of Defense reported 3,294 soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs. Bomb blasts caused nearly 70 percent of those TBI cases.

Dr. James Kelly, a neurology professor at the University of Colorado and a co-author of guidelines the military uses to identify traumatic brain injury, expressed concerns that doctors will attribute lingering health problems to psychological issues.

"I think if people misunderstand or overextend beyond what this survey shows, they could dismiss true brain injury features as psychological only," Kelly said. "It would be a terrible disservice to our military for that to happen."

Kahlor is worried this study will make it harder for soldiers to get appropriate medical care.

"The military doesn't want to diagnose people with brain injury," he said. "So what they'll do is play it off as PTSD as the sole injury for everyone, because PTSD and traumatic brain injury have very similar symptoms," he said. "The disability [compensation] is a lot higher for traumatic brain injury. What the military is saying is, you can't be diagnosed from a brain injury unless you get better from PTSD. It's kind of like a paradox."

Kahlor says he has documents saying he has concussion injuries such as a detached retina, seizure activity in the brain, inner-ear expansion and post-concussion syndrome, which gives him bad headaches. Still, he has been unable to get an official diagnosis of traumatic brain injury.

"A doctor in Fort Irwin looked at me and glanced at my records for 10 minutes and wrote on my records that he thought my symptoms, my claims were psychosomatic, where I made them up myself," Kahlor said. "He's basically seen me once. He wanted to send me to a med board to get me out of the Army as soon as possible and pawn me off to the VA system."

In response to concerns that this study could make it more difficult for soldiers to get a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury, study author Col. Charles Hoge said, "Hopefully it clarifies things a bit, that soldiers who have had concussions with loss of consciousness are at higher risk of PTSD. We want to make sure they are seen and get help. It also clarifies that the symptoms they are experiencing may be multiple reasons for that."

Kelly said one of the problems with the study is that it describes symptoms such as headache, dizziness and fatigue as possibly psychosomatic and related to PTSD and depression. But these are symptoms also commonly associated with postconcussive syndrome, he said.

"They don't know that these soldiers didn't have post-concussion syndrome," he said. "They are components of post-concussion syndrome and PTSD... It's absolutely confusing. My concern with this article is people can over-attribute all the lingering problems to psychological issues only, when it started with a biomechanical brain injury. I think it's unfair to unlink what happened to the brain and the psychological aftermath of what happened in that scenario."

In an accompanying editorial, Richard A. Bryant, Ph.D., says this study should encourage doctors to be more cautious when attributing health problems to mild traumatic brain injury, because PTSD and depression may be the problem.

"Incontrovertible evidence now shows that psychological factors play a significant role in postconcussive symptoms," Bryant said.

"Soldiers should not be led to believe that they have a brain injury that will result in permanent change."

He said the study also highlights the need for a clear definition of mild traumatic brain injury.

"The study retrospectively assesses for mild traumatic brain injury by inquiring about having a loss of consciousness, being dazed, or not remembering the inquiry. Each of these reactions can be attributed to acute stress," Bryant said.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Wellness programs are worth every dollar you spend

Health-care costs aren't the only reason to have wellness programs. However, many companies dropped wellness programs in recent years as they turn to managed care health insurance plans.

This is short-sighted because managing health-care costs is one of four reasons wellness programs make economic sense. In addition to reducing demand for medical services, wellness programs provide economic benefit by reducing absenteeism, reducing on-the-job injuries and workers' compensation costs, and reducing disability-management costs.

Studies show employee absenteeism is reduced when wellness programs are implemented. In a study at Prudential Insurance, disability days were 20 percent lower and disability-per-capita costs were 32 percent lower after implementing a wellness program. In addition, annual medical costs fell by 46 percent.

According to a study of a wellness program at Providence General Medical Center, per-capita workers' comp costs were reduced 83 percent and other savings were realized in reduced sick leave and health-care costs, thanks to implementation of a wellness program.

These studies document tangible economic benefit from wellness programs. Intangible benefits may be even more important to an organization's overall health: Increased productivity is one of the most important benefits of operating a business with fit, healthy employees.

Wellness programs also help to recruit and retain the most effective, productive employees. Studies show a correlation between employees who seek out corporate wellness programs and the most productive workers. Morale is another benefit of a wellness program. These programs are inexpensive ways to show employees the organization is interested in them as total persons.

At a time of reduced job security, wellness programs provide a spark of good will and foster the all-important message of self-responsibility.

Businesses contract with managed care firms to control health-care costs. The employer, however, takes a passive role by shifting the risk of controlling costs to the HMO or insurance company. In the long run, costs will be shifted back to consumers and the employer through increasing premiums and costs, or decreased services.

In recent years, competition is responsible mainly for keeping health-care inflation under control but resulting shakeouts and mergers will cause prices for medical services to rise again.

Corporations that once jettisoned wellness programs may find their employee base is less healthy.

This column first appeared in the Denver Business Journal. Miriam Sims is a consultant with Denver-based Health Promotion Management Inc.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Conscious Breath

Begin by paying attention
to your next few breaths.
Even as you continue to read these words,
also notice your breathing
and that you can easily read and breathe
and practice awareness of breath,
all in the same moment.
Pay attention to the quality of each inhale.
Even as you read, notice the feelings and
sensations of breath flowing into your body.
Feel the places in your torso that move
or do not move with each inhalation.
Pay attention to the quality of each exhale.
Even as you read, notice the feelings and
sensations of breath flowing from your body.
Feel the places in your torso that move
or do not move with each exhalation.
Now return to the top of this page
and read through again,
paying close attention to the ebb and flow
of each breath, even as you pay
close attention to the sound and meaning
of each word, and for a minute or so,
simply pay attention to yourself breathing,
eyes closing for a few more breaths . . .

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

May peace fill all the empty spaces around you
And in you, may contentment answer all your wishes.
May comfort be yours, warm and soft like a sigh.
And may the coming year
show you that every day is really a first day,
a new year.
Let abundance be your constant companion,
so that you have much to share.
May mirth be near you always,
like a lamp shining on the paths you travel.

Happy New Year to All!
A new year is beginning. Days are starting to lengthen. There is still cold weather ahead, but the movement is toward light.
Roots deep in the earth are already preparing for Spring.
It's a time of remembrance and anticipation; new beginnings, new plans, new goals, new well as thoughts of where we have been.
What will be your direction, your bearing, as the year starts to unfold?
It's an exhilarating time. The world is moving faster than ever. We are networked in a way that would have been considered science fiction only a few years ago. Distance is no longer a boundary for communication or commerce, national boundaries are becoming less and less important.
There is no longer a "Them". There is only "Us". In a very real, and growing, sense we are all intimately, and inextricably connected.
Our society is changing at such a rapid rate that it impossible to say with any certainty what our lives will be like twenty years from now.
Around the new year you start to hear a lot of grand plans. The big projects for the new year. Complex strategies for "Getting it Right this time".
Maybe there is a more direct approach....maybe something simpler is needed in a time where our picture of "The Future" can change in a moment.
The only thing that we can change or improve with any certainty is ourselves.
We all need to be Healthy and Kind.
We all need to help others be Healthy and Kind.
All the world's wisdom traditions teach that loving-kindness is the path to wisdom, peace, and the resolution of suffering.
These isn't something that requires wealth to practice, or position, or facilities. The place to start practicing is right here, and right now.
And if the intent of all of us is to become healthier, and kinder (and wiser)...
I can't see how it could have anything but a good influence on the future that we create in this New Year.