Saturday, January 26, 2008

Conscious Breath

Begin by paying attention
to your next few breaths.
Even as you continue to read these words,
also notice your breathing
and that you can easily read and breathe
and practice awareness of breath,
all in the same moment.
Pay attention to the quality of each inhale.
Even as you read, notice the feelings and
sensations of breath flowing into your body.
Feel the places in your torso that move
or do not move with each inhalation.
Pay attention to the quality of each exhale.
Even as you read, notice the feelings and
sensations of breath flowing from your body.
Feel the places in your torso that move
or do not move with each exhalation.
Now return to the top of this page
and read through again,
paying close attention to the ebb and flow
of each breath, even as you pay
close attention to the sound and meaning
of each word, and for a minute or so,
simply pay attention to yourself breathing,
eyes closing for a few more breaths . . .

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